Critical dynamics arise during structured information presentation: analysis of embodied in vitro neuronal networks
Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Andrew N. Burkitt, Caleb French
Nature Communications (2023)
Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Andrew N. Burkitt, Caleb French
Nature Communications (2023)
TAVRNN: Temporal Attention-enhanced Variational Graph RNN Captures Neural Dynamics and Behavior
Moein Khajehnejad, Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Adeel Razi
In review
Moein Khajehnejad, Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Adeel Razi
In review
On Complex Network Dynamics of an In-Vitro Neuronal System during Rest and Gameplay
Moein Khajehnejad, Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Adeel Razi
NeurIPS 2023: InfoCog, GenBio, RealML, NeurReps Workshops (Oral Presentation)
Moein Khajehnejad, Forough Habibollahi, Brett J. Kagan, Adeel Razi
NeurIPS 2023: InfoCog, GenBio, RealML, NeurReps Workshops (Oral Presentation)
Biological Neurons vs Deep Reinforcement Learning: Sample efficiency in a simulated game-world
Forough Habibollahi, Moein Khajehnejad, Amitesh Gaurav, Brett J. Kagan
NeurIPS 2022: DeepRL, MemARI, and LMRL Workshops
Forough Habibollahi, Moein Khajehnejad, Amitesh Gaurav, Brett J. Kagan
NeurIPS 2022: DeepRL, MemARI, and LMRL Workshops
In Vitro Neurons Learn and Exhibit Sentience When Embodied In a Simulated Game-world
Brett J. Kagan, Andy C. Kitchen, Nhi T. Tran, Forough Habibollahi, Moein Khajehnejad, Bradyn J. Parker, Anjali Bhat, Ben Rollo, Adeel Razi, Karl J. Friston
Neuron (2022)
Brett J. Kagan, Andy C. Kitchen, Nhi T. Tran, Forough Habibollahi, Moein Khajehnejad, Bradyn J. Parker, Anjali Bhat, Ben Rollo, Adeel Razi, Karl J. Friston
Neuron (2022)
Neural Network Poisson Models for Behavioural and Neural Spike Train Data
F. Habibollahi, M. Khajehnejad, R. Nock, E. Arabzadeh, P. Dayan, A. Dezfouli
ICML 2022
F. Habibollahi, M. Khajehnejad, R. Nock, E. Arabzadeh, P. Dayan, A. Dezfouli
ICML 2022
Neural Networks Are Tuned Near Criticality During a Cognitive Task and Distanced from Criticality In a Psychopharmacological Model of Alzheimer's Disease
F. Habibollahi, D. Sun, A.N. Burkitt, C. French
F. Habibollahi, D. Sun, A.N. Burkitt, C. French
Hunting for Dual-target Set on a Class of Hierarchical Networks
M. Khajehnejad, F. Habibollahi
International Conference on Network Science, Springer, Cham (2022)
M. Khajehnejad, F. Habibollahi
International Conference on Network Science, Springer, Cham (2022)
Utilising hippocampal neuronal calcium activity in mouse CA1 for a multimodal optical brain-computer interface
Dechuan Sun, Forough Habibollahi, Yang Yu, Ranjith Rajasekharan Unnitha, Chris French
Dechuan Sun, Forough Habibollahi, Yang Yu, Ranjith Rajasekharan Unnitha, Chris French
Effects of Several Classes of Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Conductances on Gamma and Theta Oscillations in a Hippocampal Microcircuit Model
F. Habibollahi, C. Olteanu, C. French
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2021)
F. Habibollahi, C. Olteanu, C. French
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2021)
MAGIC: a MATLAB Toolbox for External Control of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Devices
F. Habibollahi, N.C. Rogasch, N.A. McNair, M. Biabani, S.D. Pillen, T.R. Marshall, T.O. Bergmann
Brain Stimulation (2018)
F. Habibollahi, N.C. Rogasch, N.A. McNair, M. Biabani, S.D. Pillen, T.R. Marshall, T.O. Bergmann
Brain Stimulation (2018)
Alzheimer's disease early diagnosis using manifold-based semi-supervised learning
M. Khajehnejad, F. Habibollahi, H. Mohammadzade
Brain Sciences (2017)
M. Khajehnejad, F. Habibollahi, H. Mohammadzade
Brain Sciences (2017)